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HyMoCARES framework
HyMoCARES tools: multi-scale concept for sediment-based river restoration
HyMoCARES: tools HyMoLink
HyMoCARES tools: Chevo
Nicola Marangoni, Leibniz Institute Freshwater Ecology Inland Fisheries, BOKU - HyMoCARES project
Russell Death:What can the public do to improve the quality of our fresh water?
Chalk river restoration River Babingley, Hillington Estate
Ecosystem services in decision making - Hanna Östergård, Naturvårdsverket
Valuing Ecosystem Services in the Mississippi River Basin by Tania Briceno
Enhancing ecosystem services in cities
How can we value ecosystem services from land and river systems? #biodcon19
150628P05 STOWA REFORM | Nikolai Friberg - Hydromorphological Degradation Impact on Biota